Our spine is the highway of our body. The spine is the body's central support structure, it helps connect different parts of your skeleton and muscles. Additionally, your spine plays a major role in your day-to-day life as well as it helps you sit, stand, walk, twist and bend.
There are a few causes of scoliosis:
- Hereditary diseases
- Trauma-related injuries
- Bone diseases
My Care India helps all overseas patients access the best spine scoliosis treatments to slow or even possibly reverse the decline in quality of life scoliosis issues and improve the quality of life over the long term.

Importance of Scoliosis Surgery
Scoliosis typically doesn't present any harsh symptoms or health effects; however, it does reduce the quality of personal as well as social life. There are a few symptoms of scoliosis you should know about:
- Uneven shoulders
- Uneven waist
- One hip higher than the other
- One side of the ribcage pushing forward
The medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating scoliosis through surgical methods are usually orthopedic surgeons and specialists.
My Care India is an overseas medical facilitator based in India, to help overseas patients to seek world-class scoliosis correction treatment at a fraction of the global average cost.
With My Care India, every patient can access world-class spine scoliosis correction treatments at the best orthopedic hospitals across India.