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What is the difference between Obstetrics and Gynaecology?
For a to-be mother or even for both the parents, knowing the difference between Obstetrics and Gynaecology can be a bit of a challenge. After all nearly everywhere one sees they will see the 'reproductive health' doctor terming themselves as an OB/GYN. Yet, people hardly know the difference. While most reproductive health doctors might go for a dual specialization i.e. being an OB/GYN, both the medical fields are very distinct from each other.
While Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctors are trained together in residency, they are ultimately certified as separate specialists. The field of Obstetrics involves taking care of the pregnant mother, unborn foetus, and both their health during pregnancy, during childbirth as well as helping mothers recover after the strain of childbirth and pregnancy. Obstetricians do not treat illnesses or health problems beyond pregnancy and child birth.
Meanwhile, in the medical field of Gynaecology, gynaecologists are usually not involved in the delivery of babies or treatment of pregnant women as they specialize in the health of the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the female reproductive system as a whole.