Life is unpredictable- one day you are living your life, the next day the symptoms start bothering you & the day after that? Your local physician diagnoses you with cancer. Your world seems to crumble under your feet and all hope seems to be lost.
Many people in this situation would go for cancer treatment in their home country- however, in developed nations like the United States of America, the costs of effective cancer treatment are impossibly high for most Americans. Whereas in underdeveloped regions such as Africa, the medical resources and availability are very limited.

However, many times people travel overseas to get world-class (and often, life-saving) cancer treatment. That is where My Care India excels.
We bring your need for critical medical care together with affordable world-class treatment by English-speaking doctors. We aim to bring you the best cancer treatment in India at a cost that doesn't hurt your pockets.
We ensure that your cancer care needs are well-met by highly-qualified cancer treatment doctors. Additionally, we ensure that your cancer treatment in India is done economically, while we take care of your hotel & accommodation needs, language interpreters, multi-cuisine food options, post-operative care, and more.
Why My Care India has the best cancer treatment in India?
My Care India is an overseas medical facilitator enabling international patients to seek world-class critical medical treatments at an affordable price in India.
My Care India has many cancer specialists, doctors & hospitals dedicated to treating cancers of all kinds. Some of our cancer treatment services include:
- English-speaking cancer specialists and surgeons
- World-class cancer treatment facilities
- Hotel & Accommodation
- Multi-cuisine food options
- Post-operative recovery
- Treatment specialties in 25+ types of lethal cancers
My Care India is an overseas medical facilitator specialising in over 25+ types of lethal cancers, including but not limited to:
- Leukemia Treatment
- Breast Cancer
- Anal Cancer
- Adernal cancer
- Uterus cancer
- Stomach Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Esophagus Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon cancer
- Endometrial Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- PapiIlary Thyroid Cancer
- Breast Biopsy
- Prostate Cancer
- Bone Marrow Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Bone Cancer
- Melanoma Treatment
- Lymphoma Treatment
- denocarcinoma Glandular Cancer
- Hairy CelILeukemia Treatment
With My Care India, no matter which nation you are from: You will always find the best and affordable cancer treatment & surgeries in India.