India is a country where you will find a doctor in lots of streets mostly. In doctors, you can find different categories. From all types of doctors, a surgeon plays a vital role. Surgeons are known for surgery. In this blog, we are talking about a cancer surgeon in India. Here, I am describing the breast cancer surgeon in India, the best vascular surgeon in India, and the best spine surgeon in India . I will discuss them and their roles one by one.
Best breast cancer surgeon in India
Breast cancer is a very critical cancer. In this, different cells start growing out of control. Before we know about breast cancer, we should know what is breast and how it looks. A breast is a combination of three main parts. Those three main parts are lobules, ducts, and connective tissues.
The lobule is the first part of the breast that produces milk. Here, the source of milk exists, while the second part of the breast is the duct, which helps the milk to flow and connects it to the nipple. The third and the last part of the breast is connective tissue. The connective tissue consists of fibrous and fatty tissue. The function of connective tissue is to surround and carry everything equally.

Generally, there are three types of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on the cells that carry the cancer. The highest probability of breast cancer is in the lobules or ducts.
The spreading of cancer to the outer parts or other parts of the breast is known as metastasizing. The general breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. At Mycareindia, you can get the best breast cancer surgeon in India.
Best vascular surgeon in India
Vascular cancer is the other kind of cancer. The actual cause of vascular cancer is the cells of the circulatory system. These cells form from the blood vessels. It can also spread from the cells that cover the lymphatic system. Lymphatic carry a clear liquid called lymph, which is necessary for the immune system. MCI provides the best vascular surgeon in India.
Vascular cancers are tough to treat and known for being clinically aggressive, and it has reported around 20-35% to 5-year survival rate.
Best spine surgeon in India
Spine cancer is another cancer that takes place in the spinal cord. The spinal cancer symptoms are pain in the neck, arms, or legs, back pain, muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, difficulty walking, general loss of sensation, difficulty with urination, change in bowel habits, and paralysis to varying degrees.
Through the symptoms, spine cancer can take place. But you don’t need to be worried because, at Mycareindia, we have solutions to all of your problems. We have the best spine surgeon in India. With their treatment, you can get your cure for the cancer diseases you are facing already. Enjoy the treatment of all three mentioned cancers in this blog. The three cancers about which we have discussed here are breast cancer, vascular cancer, and spine cancer.